The NOMAD DESIGN VERTREX STORAGE BOX is a double-sided system available in a medium or large size and is specifically designed to hold the Nomad Design Vertrex and Squidtrex soft vibe lures in place without tangling and ready for quick easy access.
The foam lining material has been designed not to react with the TPE material of the soft vibes and the slots in the foam allow you to place the vibes hooks to hold them in place. The box features a double-sided waterproof rubber seal and a sturdy latch mechanism on both sides. It is a super easy storage solution that allows you to keep your Max vibes on one side and the Swim vibes on the other side ready for action.
The large size box is recommended for 150mm models down to the smallest 55mm and the medium box is recommended for the 55mm-110mm
The large size box fits the largest Vertrex 150mm models down to the smallest 75mm.
Our Vertrex & Squidtrex™ Vibes are made from TPE Ultra-Tough Material. Like most other plastics on the market, it’s important not to store two different types of plastics together as they can cause a chemical reaction, which can deform the plastics.
Below are some tips for storing your TPE-based Nomad Design lures:
- Where possible, store your TPE lure in the original packaging or within the Nomad Vertrex Storage Box – these are the safest options.
- If you prefer to store your lure in a tackle box, ensure that the tackle box is “worm proof” Worm proof boxes are specifically designed not to react with soft plastic materials.
- Do not store TPE lures with non-TPE lures.
REMEMBER: You can store TPE products of the same brand altogether, but they must be kept separate from other branded TPE products and non-TPE plastics.